Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Kitty Popscicles

Winter has finally arrived in New England. Temps hovering just above the single digits overnight, with a nasty wind chill.

Of course, at four in the morning, one of my cats thinks he wants to go out. This means he leaps the baby gate (to keep puppies downstairs) and makes a big racket, then starts howling loudly. The puppies wake up and start barking, and because they sleep with me, subsequently wake me up. I'm not amused.

I get up, and said cat will not go out. Of course not! The wind is howling, the trees are creaking, and it's too darn cold! So I go back to bed. Wrong move. Thirty minutes later, he's at it again. I toss him out against his will. Too bad, I'm trying to sleep.

Just as I doze off again, the puppies start yapping and wake me up (did I mention they sleep with me, under the covers?). This time, the other cat is banging on my bedroom door. I toss her out, too.

My alarm goes off this morning, and the radio DJ warns, "Keep your pets indoors! Highs in the 20s, with wind chills to minus 2 degrees! Current temp is 11 degrees."

Oops, my cats are out. Didn't take much calling to get them to come in. Now maybe they'll think twice before waking me up at 4 am. Darned cats.


Blogger The Princess Mom said...

Living in the Great White North, I have to say this cracks me up. We were in New Orleans during a freak cold snap once. The weather man was warning people against letting their pets outside because it was going to be below 32°F! That's 32° above zero, not below. Apparently Cajun cats flash-freeze in such weather! LOL

Up here, we haven't been above 32° for the last week and Jack goes in and out all day long. The only time I can remember a keep-your-pets-indoors warning in Minneapolis was when the windchill was -50°F. They said cats in particular could quickly become disoriented from the extreme cold and dogs should be supervised at all times while outside. That makes sense to me.

2:28 PM  

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