Friday, August 17, 2007

Our RV Journey, Part 3

Yep, the windshield on the driver's side (of course!) leaks. I nice little stream on the inside of the glass. But the rain subsides and I make a mental note to add it to the list of little niggling issues that need fixing when I get home.

The drive through Ohio was relatively uneventful. We stopped near Columbus, because I was looking to score a copy of Lottery by Patricia Wood, though its release date was still a couple of weeks away. We'd found a Borders, and no luck. But we also found a restaurant we were wanting to revisit: Max and Erma's. Lotus and I had stopped at one in Eastern Ohio last year, and for some reason we liked it, though neither of us could remember if the food and ambiance was really all that great or whether we were just too tired and famished to care, LOL.

The food was pretty good, typical steak 'n pub ambiance. Lotus ordered salmon and broccoli. She practically licked her plate clean. A kid eating broccoli? In a restaurant?? On purpose?! I jokingly said that most parents force the broccoli and limit the candy. (I'd grown up on broccoli that was overcooked and very mushy, so it's not my fave veggie unless steamed. I don't usually go out of my way to eat veggies). So I guess because I don't serve broccoli that often and candy is unlimited, my kid craves broccoli. Who'da thunk it?

Other than a traffic jam on I-75 in Cincinati, the drive to Kentucky is uneventful. The rolling hills are green and beautiful. As we approach Lexington, I decide that maybe we should stop and replenish a few supplies and get some window caulk before arriving at the campground. I pull into a convoluted Wal-Mart parking lot and open my door. Hmm. Odd. My RV steps won't lower. I remember back to a short pit stop where I walked my dogs and recalled that the steps were right on top of a curb. I wonder if I've damaged the mechanism in some way (as I'd read you could in an online RV forum). I have to jump two feet to the parking lot. I'm bummed and hoping the fix isn't terribly complicated.

I exit the store loaded with bags and notice that the sky is black. I run, bags banging my shins and I pray they don't tear open and spill on the hot asphalt. I toss the bags up into the RV and climb, with difficulty, into it. No time to put the goodies away; I want to get to the campground before the skies open! We make it (barely) as the rain just starts as I finish checking in. But as soon as I get back into the RV, the sky opens. Lotus and I are happy that all we need to do is back into the site, drop the levelers, and we're golden. Don't even have to exit the vehicle and get wet. Now, if we were still in the pop up we'd be stuck in the car, because no way would we have been trying to set up camp in that downpour!

And then I notice the river running down the windshield, on the inside...


Blogger The Princess Mom said...

So what was the deal with the steps? You've never said.

1:33 PM  

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