Friday, February 16, 2007

Felled by the Virus!

The nasty winter virus has at last attacked the Zany family. First up: Buzz. Seemed to be doing better, then.... Second up: Lotus. Lotus has allergies anyway (likely to feathers yet her dad bought her a new feather down comforter, but we won't go there) so she's snarfly a lot anyway. But she, too, got the bug. Third up: Zany herself! Yippee! Just in time for a major winter ice storm, moving, and her birthday. Then, Buzz again. Just when we thought he had it licked, it comes back in full force. We're pushing the fluids, popsicles, and soups, to keep him from getting dehydrated. He did that last year. Not fun (for me, at least). Buzz told me that getting an IV and fluids was the best day of his life. Okay, um, sure, whatever, but let's NOT repeat that day, okay??

I've been eating Cold-Eez. I've been guzzling Nyquil. And Robitussin. And I have minor breaks in the action where I feel like, okay, this is almost done, then wham! I'm tired and achy and just want to stay in bed.

Add in a slow week at work, money worries (needed new tires this week to the tune of ::gulp:: $732, and an oil bill of $465), and it's no wonder I can't wait for spring!


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