Thursday, May 03, 2007

Open Road, Here We Come! Almost!

We loved our pop-up camper so much, used it all summer last year, that we couldn't wait to do it again. However, Zany's wanderlust coupled with traveling with a camper exploded with the recent move and the discovery that material things and their maintenance are huge time suckers. The open road called more strongly.

So what did Zany do? Take a vacation like a normal person? No. Drag the camper to a local campground for a change of scenery? Uh, double no. Why would Zany do something so -- well, sane?

Instead, Zany purchased a 34' RV. You heard that right. A rolling home. The call of the open road coupled with a desire to divest of material things, and a desire for a homey nest. Add in the whole country, Canada, and Mexico, along with Zany's two kids who don't go to school, and you quickly see that the whole continent is our classroom.

Now to find a job that pays while on the road. Since my writing career has yet to take off, any suggestions as to work on the road from the peanut gallery??


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