Thursday, February 15, 2007

Change of Address -- Why is it so hard?

I receive a professional journal related to my work. Every year, I receive my dues and subscription renewal, and every year I change the address so that I receive it at work, rather than at home. I don't work from home, and don't care to read work-related stuff at home. Still, I get this journal and related mail at home. Today I went to their website to update it yet again. There, in green and white, on the website, it clearly states that I'm to receive my stuff at my business address. Then why do I get it at home? I deleted my home address. I'm moving next week anyway. Maybe now they'll get the hint.

I also realized that this month my professional license to the state is due, but I have not received notice. Odd, as the renewal notice usually comes sometime in December. So, I call the licensing board. They apparently sent my notice to my former address of two years ago, when I've updated my address to my business address five years ago.

Lest we blame it on computers, state government agency inefficiencies, or professional organization snafus, tell me, how come I still receive mail for a business I last owned nine years ago? Seems those folks still manage to get my junk mail through to the right address, even though the business has been defunct for nearly a decade. If the junk-mail folks can do it, why not the folks whose notices matter most?


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