Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Stop the Presses!

Well, not really. I was sitting at my desk this morning, a little bored, poking around the internet. None of the sites I read had been updated in a while, and it's going to be after New Years before Miss Snark ever gets to my hook. I'm sure I know what she's going to say after reading it (based on her current comments). And that's okay. It was a first novel. My second novel is better written, though trying to come up with a hook when you have 4 storylines intertwined, where more of the story is personal growth, and oh, yeah, somewhere in the hospital a harmless prank turns deadly, and escalates. I can't seem to finish it, mostly because it's a character driven novel without a plot. Bummer. I love it, and the characters, but I'm not sure I can pull it off.

So, today I'm sitting here, and BAM! A HOOK hits me out of thin air. The plot for my next novel. Forget having characters possess my brain (like the last two books) and demand I tell their stories. This one appeared as a plot. Now I have to figure out who it stars, and how can I convince them to cooperate with me. ;)

Yippee! I have a new project! So why does that nagging voice in my head keep telling me to finish what I've started with the other two?? That voice has got to go.


Blogger The Princess Mom said...

Oh for goodness sake! Drop the old projects and start the new one! Jill can just wait wherever it is she is waiting, and if HTW is so much better than DWP, just imagine how much better #3 will be than HTW. Not to mention easier to sell if it's plot-driven.

3:41 PM  

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