Saturday, December 09, 2006

'Tis the Season for Life's Cliches

If you've already hit the stores for Christmas shopping, I'm sure you can relate. Not only do we have the parking lot wars (who will get that vacated space?), the shopping cart wars (who can race to grab the last cart in the store?), to the usual crowds, searching for gifts and finding your items already sold out. And you weren't even looking for one of the oh-so-hot items.

Today, in Toys R Us, we happened upon my favorite of all: Price Check in Aisle 3! You know, where the line is moving merrily along and suddenly comes to a complete halt, because an item the customer at the register wants to buy is either a) not priced; b) rings up wrong, or c) the dreaded " but the sign on the shelf said only $14.99!" When you know full well that either the item has dropped back on the wrong shelf by a careless shopper, or the sign belongs to a similar, cheaper item and not the coveted one.

The last one happened to Buzz and me today while trying to purchase one lone gift for a friend. Of course, the customer won't believe that the price does not, in fact, belong to the item she wants, but a cheaper one. After arguing back and forth, the customer going to the shelf and retrieving the sign, explanations to the manager, the customer wants one thing: the thirty-five dollar item for fifteen dollars. That, and only that will appease her.

And you know what? After holding up the line for fifteen minutes, the manager let her have it. The item, I mean, for the price she wanted. The squeaky wheels do get the grease. Even when they're wrong. I'm so glad I don't work retail.

Bob Rivers had it right. The Twelve Pains of Christmas, anyone?


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