Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

I was in a gift shop the other night (last minute shopping, ya know), and there, above the register was a sign I'm sure you've all seen. The 4 Seasons of Santa: 1) You believe in Santa; 2) You don't believe in Santa; 3) You *are* Santa; and 4) You look like Santa.

Well, it's true.

Some of my fondest memories from my own childhood are from Christmastime. From the family gatherings (we fit how many people into that tiny house?), fresh cut Christmas trees and the lingering scent of pine, the lights, candles, and the caroling. Sledding in the woods, ice skating on the pond, complete with a cup of hot chocolate (from the stove, not a powder!) with marshmallows on top.

And now that I'm Santa, I hope my kids are forming some of their fondest memories at this time of year as well. We bake (not from pre-purchased dough); we make hot chocolate on the stove, we have candles, a tree-cutting tradition, and we're working on the music.

As a parent, I find Christmas is so much more magical than it was when I was a kid. I love to see the wonder in my kids eyes, the joy on their faces as they open their gifts. As a kid, I wondered why my mother was the last to open anything. Now I know why. :)

Merry Christmas, everyone. Thanks for stopping by!


Blogger ORION said...

Merry Christmas from ORION!
See you in the new year.

1:37 PM  
Blogger The Princess Mom said...

Merry and Happy to you, too. Here's hoping we never look like Santa! LOL

3:43 PM  

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