Thursday, November 09, 2006

Best Friends

I'm about to meet my best friend for the first time. Let me explain.

I've had best friends before. You know, those from grade school whom you spend every possible moment with, to those in junior high, your ally and confidant. A few grown-up friends with whom you share a lot of common ground, from education to parenting to surviving a child's illness. I've had those.

But someone I met online three or four years ago (I've lost count and I'm sure she'll pipe up to correct me. She likely still has the first e-mail she ever sent. I, on the other hand have changed e-mail providers so many times I'm lucky hers don't bounce!) has put up with my lame jokes, novel revisions, rants through my divorce, whines about dating, partner in crime and practical jokes, and basically listens to any silly thought I have that I stick into an e-mail.

Thing is, we're like two peas in a pod, but we're different enough to be able to offer a different perspective. She's been there through the worst of my crap, and still e-mails me. Every day. Without fail. Unless she's on vacation, in which case she's forgiven. I've leaned on her and she hasn't crumbled. She makes me laugh. A lot.

So this blog is for you. Thank you for being a friend.


Blogger The Princess Mom said...

Aww, you're welcome. Although that crack about me having the first email I ever sent you make me sound really anal. :D

Btw, it was at least four years ago...

3:51 PM  
Blogger Zany Mom said...

I'd be anal if I weren't so distracted. ADD anyone?

4:25 PM  
Blogger ORION said...

This is so cool. It would make a great story...

11:29 AM  

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